And I'm still on the job hunt. I've had my fun this morning, enjoying the wonderfulness at TTP, worked a bit on Pleasure Boys part 2, had iced coffee and 2 cigarettes but...
the not having a job part is kinda getting to me.
This month has been what I consider a bit *rank*- friends in need and I wish I could be there for them all; namely two friends who have lost loved ones very recently. I'm lucky that I haven't lost a loved one this year, it's hard to deal. But the Libra within me wants a harmonious balance, peace and love and all that crap. I've been getting emotional; our hostages losing their lives, I'm thinking of their families, praying for a better leader for our country (USA).... though I wouldn't want to go back to be a 14 year old, when I was 14 I didn't give much thought to matters of this sort. Who knew growing up would be so hard. Gee, one might think I just landed on planet Earth...
at least these guys are having fun, eh?