Ficlet for Inell

Nov 19, 2009 16:26

So, this is actually the beginning of my first hermionebigbang attempt, but it stands quite nicely on its own. And since inell needs cheering up.

Title: Respite
Pairing: Viktor/Hermione
Rating: G
Words: 700
Summary: After Cedric's death, Viktor has a proposal.

"I have good news." They are sitting on a bench under a tree in the courtyard. Hermione is resting her head on Viktor's shoulder. He strokes her hair, caressing it lightly, almost reverently. Viktor always says he loves her hair, that hers is the prettiest in the world. She doesn't know what curse compels him to prefer busy and frizzy hair, but she's grateful for it. The sun hangs low in the sky, bathing everything in a red and gold glow. Gryffindor colors. Durmstrang's too. She laughs bitterly. It doesn't seem right that weather should be so beautiful when Cedric Diggory has been dead less than two days, but there it is.

"What kind of good news?" If anyone can manage good news just now, it's Viktor.

He brushes his lips against her forehead. "An old teacher of mine, Professor Waldman, he has asked me to stay with him for the summer. He writes to me and tells me he is lonely for company since his wife's death. I have accepted." She stares at him, waiting for him to explain. "He lives in Oxford now."

"Oxford? But I -- I live in Oxford!"

He grins at her. "I know. It is a lucky thing, I think. I will have you to keep me from acting the tourist."

She pivots and throws her arms around him. He is staying. Viktor is staying for the summer. She turns the phrase over in her mind and decides these are the most beautiful words in the English language. One thing bothers her, though. "Waldman? Where have I heard that name before?"

"He is a very smart man and makes many discoveries. Perhaps you read about one."

Something clicks into place. She pulls back a little to look at him. "Surely you don't mean Conrad Waldman?" He nods. "He's brilliant. I read his paper on the differences between an ordinary injury and one caused by magic. Think of the applications!"

He smiles again. "I do not pretend to understand half the things he does. When I left, he was working on something about ghosts or spirits. You two would like each other, igzora. I shall have to introduce you."

She pushes herself off him sits up. "Igzora?" She frowns, trying to remember all the Bulgarian she's picked up in the months since they met. It's not much -- the Hogwarts library is abysmal when it comes to non-magical subjects, and she's had to resort begging her parents to send her phrasebooks by owl. She knows the word, but it doesn't make any sense. "Why are you calling me a burn?"

"I... that is, to say..." His face reddens, and he trails off. She has not seen him so embarrassed around her since before he asked her to the Yule Ball. Her lips quirk upward at the sight of him. It feels good to smile again.

She crossed her arms and gives him her best mock severe look. "Viktor Krum, tell me what that word means this instant."

He buries his face in his hands, and she can't tell how much of his behavior is due to genuine embarrassment at how much of it is him playing along. "When you call a woman that, it means she is burned into your mind. You will not forget her." He looks at her and manages a weak smile, though his face is still red. "Look at you. You make me say such stupid, stupid things."

She stares at him. How can he be so terribly awkward and utterly romantic in the same breath? She will never figure him out. Perhaps she shouldn't try, but it isn't in her nature to leave a puzzle unsolved, even if that puzzle is Viktor Krum. "I won't forget you, either," she whispers. She clears her throat and continues, more loudly. "Anyway, we have all summer to help us remember each other. We should make the most of it."

His smile widens. "Of course." He kisses her. He's warm and soft and strong, and the feel of his lips on her still leaves her giddy and breathless. A small part of her feels guilty for being so caught up in a boy, of all things. Then, Viktor tilts his head to one side and opens his mouth to her, and she decides she doesn't mind being caught up so much.

fic, characters: hermione granger, harry potter

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