far away, i feel your beating heart
omg i think i'm broke .. $_$
Anyway went out with dearest Sf yesterday! I treated her to her very very belated birthday dinner at Thai express omgzz my money fly out already. I h8 boys k! There was this guy who spammed like many $1s trying to catch some winnie the pooh toy from the machine thingy for his gf. Even the shop owner pitied him and opened up the machine to shift the toy which is sooo annoying ( h8 boys!! h8 the girl even more! ) We emo-ed by the Singapore River :'( anyway it was fun just that Sf's mood changes drastically aww.
Crystalllllllllll, why do you have PW.......... now we cannot go shopping already -_- i hate those AJ people who force you to er meet up for PW. Rahhh Ivy I'm looking forward to go out with you ^_^
:( i can't