Damn, haven't posted here for a minute. >_<
Seems like a lot's happened since December, and at the same time it's more of the same-old. Figures, lol.
I guess I'll do a cliff-noted update with a bit of an art dump to follow. ;)
Lessee, where to start. Had a mild case of ulcers, which facilitated me dropping out of RSOM. Which I guess is a good thing, since it means I no longer have any page restrictions and don't need to censor content.
Been spending a lot of time looking into self-publishing, and it looks like the funnest, most worthwhile pain in the ass known to man. SO want to try this. :)
Got a few stories in the works as content for a new website (yay! I'm actually working on it now! whee!), which I still have yet to do quite a bit of design work for. I think the missus is going to start whipping me for that, soon...
Speaking of whom, she's getting a raise and promotion at work. It's nice to see that she's finally getting recognized for how much she busts her ass at work.
I finally got an appointment at a rheumatologist regarding my joint pain. He's convinced that I don't have rheumatoid arthritis since there's no sign of wear & tear in the joints on the x-rays they took, and my blood tests were negative for the rheumatoid factor. But at the same time, I was "borderline positive" for RA going by the presence of anti-CCP antibodies. Go figure.
In the meantime he's putting me on a new NSAID as well as a depression med for use as a muscle relaxant. Couldn't make this stuff up. lol
But hey, it seems to be working great, easily better than the last combo of meds I was on, so I'm pretty satisfied.
I've also been following this election season fairly closely, but I figure that's probably a post in and of itself. ;)
And as promised, some art dumpage! :D
Just some commissions for today, and I'll be trying to update more regularly, so I'll probably be posting a lot of character designs in the future.