kangteuk is divorcing????

Aug 15, 2007 19:15

we need some damage control!!!! they're forcing kangteuk to divorce!!! it's not enough that they don't allow kangteuk
moments anymore. they also had to transfer kangin to music core from mcountdown. and now, shiteuk moments
abound. is it because heenim looks manlier with his haircut these days that they decide to pair up shiwon with *gulp!* his mommy. T_T i don't like shiteuk!! i don't want anything that ruins my canon (kangteuk and shichul). but shiteuk does look so effing cute in the behind the scenes of haengbok when shiwon placed a rose on mommy's ears. anyway,we have another theory that maybe shiwon co-owns mbc and that his initial move to break kangteuk apart was to make dad the replacement dj for tablo in chinchin.and now, he wants to put dad in music core with brian to finalize his plans. *insert evil laugh*. i just can't bring myself to hate shiwon though. i can't hate him. i can only hate the circumstances.i feel bad for daddy as well as for my chullie. his mommy seduced his boyfriend, *stacie's mom playing in the background*hahaha! i'm worried for baby donghae too, if he's parents are divorcing.. huhuhu.i'm going crazy with this fandom. bring me back my kangteuk and shichul!!! and while you're at it, toss in some minhyuk and kihae too..

eunhyuk's got a new gf? somehow, this news sounded fishy to me.eunhyuk finds a girlfriend right about the time
kyuhyun is scheduled to appear again and be back in sungmin's arms. hahahaha. here's another crazy theory: we
have an idea that sungmin and kyuhyun are a couple. but because of the accident and kyuhyun's absence, sungmin
diverted his attention to eunhyuk to ease the loneliness and they had a thing while kyu was gone. and now that kyu
is bound to be back anytime now, eunhyuk suddenly announces to ELF that he has a new girlfriend (to make letting
go of sungmin easier? hehehe!) honestly, i was a kyumin trooper, but seeing how minhyuk looked good together, i
became a convert.

i remember the question that popped right out of nowhere yesterday as i was making some drafts at work, does
sungmin still love kyuhyun? it was so random but i still ringed my cousin's phone to see if she had it with her and
then sent her a message with the exact same question. in less than a minute,my phone was ringing with my cousin
on the other line asking if i was ok. apparently, she thought i had problems other than what i asked her. i was
laughing so hard that she mistook my laughter for tears. she thought i was crying really hard. she wouldn't believe
me when i said that it was the only concern i had at the moment. eventually, she told me that she thinks minnie
still loves kyuhyun and that he wouldn't talk about him because he wants to "protect" him. whatever that means.
such random gayness i think of at work!!

fangirl, shichul, kangteuk

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