It's not just me!

Nov 09, 2007 13:55

First off, I know that I'm not the only one who's been sick around here! EVERYONE is either coughing or unable to talk or has a sore throat! I am currently experiencing all three. Well, I can talk NOW, but not this morning I couldn't, no sir ree bob! That lasted until I got my daily cup of lemon-honey tea. Mmmmm! My voice was 'somewhat' back after that, thankfully! My friend told me that it's called the 100 day cold, where everyone is sick for about 100 days, and then that's it. But HELLO- 100 days is quite a long time to be sick and  icky feeling! I hope that other people haven't been caught in the dreaded web of sickness that's been bugging me for the last week! If so, hang tight and feel well soon! American Thanksgiving is a comming up and I DO NOT want it to be deja vu of thanksgiving a few years back. I went to visit my family in the states, and guess what happends? I come down with larengitas. Yep, I was completely mute for the whole first week I was there. It was rediculously frustrating trying to say "hi" and only managing a muffled croak that hurt like heck. My voice came back a few days before I left, only after what seemed like a dozen packs of sucrets and the daily routine of sticking my towel-covered head over a bowl of steaming water. Needless to say, I will die a horrible death if that happends again this year because my friend is gonna come out with me to meet my crazy family and see the sights in Pennsylvania (including Hershey :D)! The morale of this entry? Don't get sick, and if you do, it will suck. Have a great weekend everyone!
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