Feb 01, 2005 02:57
i went snowboarding up at bear on sunday
it was my first time
i think i did ok
i can go down fine on my heel edge
its my toe edge that gives me problems
my sholders and upper back are sore
i would've guessed my butt and wrists would have been
im playing in an indoor soccer league now
im so out shape
i need to do sprints
its a whole different game when you add walls
i had a lot of freetime today
it felt wierd
it wasnt a good or bad day
we'll see what tomorrow brings
i havent felt like this in awhile
what a day
its going to be a long week
"She says
Come on, come on, let’s just get this over with
She says
Come on, come on, let’s just get this over with
I never said I’d take this lying down, let’s just get this over with,
And I’ve crawled home from worse than this"