May 02, 2006 17:07
Name: Jennifer Lynn Stratton
Favorite Movies: oh goodness...Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Garden State, Tommy Boy, Crash, Four Brothers, Good Will Hunting, Goonies...lots more
What music do you listen to? um...I like a lot...not big on Country, but most everything else I like
If you could live in any time period, when would it be? not sure...I kinda like it now I guess...
If you could invite anyone in the world to a dinner party (dead or living) who would you have come? Marcus McNeil, Carnell Williams, Jason Campbell, Ronnie fun would that be?!? I mean, I would really consider this if it were to ever happen!
What would you eat? Dad would grill something
Who has inspired you? Mom, Dad, Alison, Liz, Michelle, Kristie and their families, Ruth Miller, Daniel and Steve (and their wives!) Russ Kitching, and there are so many more...I've been so blessed!
Who are your heroes in real life? My Mom and Dad, Russ Kitching
Favorite Color: Green
Biggest Fear: not learning from my mistakes, being alone, losing loved ones, disappointing loved ones!
Biggest Joy: Having a relationship with Christ and just spending time with my friends and family
#1 Book to Recommend: The Bible, Blue Like Jazz, The Raggamuffin Gospel
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? I want to be a mom someday! I think thats a profession!
Favorite Word: we'll go with phrase...and its when Emma tells me she loves me, or is my best friend...I melt every time!
Least Favorite Word: panties (mine too Amanda!)
What really excites you? The idea of having a family one day, being with my family now, suprise visits from friends, Disney World, Auburn Football, etc...I'm very easily excited!
What drains you? Sometimes classes do...emotional decisions that have to be made, when my friends or family are dealing with trials in their lives and I can't do anything about it!
What sound do you love? Emma and Erin laughing, people worshiping, thunder storms, lots more...
What sound do you hate? Alarm clocks, when people using forks scratch the plates!
What hobbies do you have? I have a few...
What keeps you up at night? Situations that I don't understand, situatins I want to take control, hanging out with friends, me procrastinating!
What is your idea of perfect happiness? Having close, meaningful relationships with Christ, friends and family
What trait do you deplore in yourself? hmmmm....
What do you dislike most about your appearance? hmmmmm....
What is your greatest extravagance? I'm not sure! I think I can really love people even if they choose not to love me back, but often times that is just Christ loving through me...I can't do it on my own
What is your current state of mind? um...tired, ready for school to be over, nervous about finals
What do you consider your greatest achievement? being in college
What is your most treasured possession? memories I hold onto
What is your most marked characteristic? not sure...
Favorite Writers: Donald Miller, Brennen Manning
Life Scripture: John10:28, James 1:2-4
How does God speak to you? nature, friends, family, scripture, music, etc. lots of ways!
Who challenges you spiritually? Dad, Russ, Daniel, Steve, Alison, Kristie, Katie
What is your motto? don't have one...maybe I'll think of one!
Were you an odd child…tell us about that? I was an "active kid" having 6 broken bones...I was incredibly stubborn! My mom says if I were the first, I would have been the only one! haha
What is the most worthless fact you know? I can't think of these things on the spot like this! I'll get back to you!
What question do you have most about something in the Bible? There are so many things I don't understand...the passage in the old testiment where the dad sacrificed the daughter because she was the first thing to walk through the gate...anyone remember that story? Thats odd..
*Thanks Amanda for posting this and allowing me some more procrastinating time! See you soon!