Yes, they finally fixed my internet and I'm back online!

May 27, 2004 23:24

Gacked this from several people...

You are a fire entity. You love excitement, and you
could be a pyromaniac...or just like fire and
heat alot. You love in the moment, you never
really like you stay in one place. Though you
arent heartless, you really dont want to settle
down in one place, or with one person, just
yet. But when you do, you'll be with that
person, forever. When your mad, YOUR MAD! You
dont cool off easily. Just like fire, you
scorch others, when set off.

Which Fairy Entity Are You
brought to you by Quizilla
I don't know about this one although it did come fairly close in regards to my temper.

Kids are out of school for the summer as of this afternoon although getting them through the day turned out to be a nightmare. First, I am informed that my oldest son lost his reading textbook and that restitution must be paid to the tune of $45.00 (ouch!) or he wouldn't get his report card. I got that taken care of only to find out that they needed to turn in packets (that they had carted off to various places around the house). Got that taken care of only to have my children come home this afternoon looking slightly worried. When asked what was wrong, my 2nd child hands me his report card (all 'A's' but an 'n' in responsibility--- this explains the whole book thing mentioned above *grimace*). I ask my oldest son where his report card is only to be told that he has a library book out which he must return by the next day and will not receive his report card until he does. Enough jumping through hoops to get the silly report card! It might have been okay if we hadn't had to go through a similar situation at the end of the last school year with the same child. *argh!!!*

I also completed a new pic which I sort of like. It's not a Harry Potter pic but it is a fantasy pic of a vampire. For some reason I've had the urge lately to see if I could complete a vampire pic although I have absolutely no idea why. Feel free to comment....
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