At ASU all day today... hmm that was alotta fun.
i tell ya. i learned alot. and i figured out where i
want to live on campus. MANSANITA hall.
its shall be tight. RIGHT jessica and billie? aww
man. i am so excited.. were joining a sorority.(sp)
i cannot wait for college. seriously.. these last
few months of high school are going to draggg...
onnnnn.... its going to be lamo. but hey ill make
the best of it! :) with a smile on my face.
oh man. only days till christmas.. wow.
im out of here. im getting my hair done. man
its going to be sooo.. dark. yikes.
I GOT A JOB:) a new one at least...
8 dollars an hour. at office max.. TIGHT!
hahaha.....CoME viSit me. oN pOwer. and
SOuthERn.. YEA!