As Jed Bartlet would say, what's next?

Mar 30, 2013 03:57

I'm tired of the debate over gay rights. Not that I want to give up, but that the "debate" rages on over whether I deserve to be a full citizen or not infuriates me when there are so many other things this country (and this planet) could be doing with its time, energy, and resources.

This is the 21st Century, and we have yet to take up the issue of which of our neighboring planet(oids) we should plop a permanent base of operations upon. The moon is close, but Mars is halfway to the asteroid belt, and that's where the money is. Let's just all agree to stay away from Uranus, since the name is a little gay.

The other things that seem to take up our finite legislative time are worrisome as well. Should we change something about our current system of gun control? Murderers and psychopaths keep getting there hands on deadly weapons, but half of the country think the answer is to do nothing about it since the law-abiding gun-toting citizenry is already doing a bang-up job of protecting us from the current crop of crazies.

Fracking, drilling in ANWAR, and building a giant pipe from Canada to Louisiana are all great ways to plan for what we all know is the end of oil. The only thing to debate here is just how many years of use we have left before we've sucked all the liquid dinosaurs out of the ground. Do you think our children are going to thank us when the oil is all gone and we've left them nothing but oil tankers, oil refineries, gas guzzlers and an addiction to plastic?

Time to stop procrastinating on getting to the real issues by continuing to rehash the issues we should have solves over a decade ago. Before the midpoint of this century we should have fixed healthcare for the whole planet, not just the United States. We should also be able to figure out how to measure teacher performance and how it relates to student success (our current methodology is fantasy).

Next, let's move on to criminalizing our disposable culture; if you can't reuse or recycle it, it shouldn't exist.

After that, I hear that robots are getting to be pretty darn intelligent, should they be treated like people or slaves?

Then there's a new device that let's you travel through time, what should the laws be regulating its use?

It's time to wake up. Especially since we're tired of this.

future, essay, politics, gay rights

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