1.What time is it now? 5:34
2.What is your full name? Lauren Nicole Vespa
3.Single or taken? Single- my life story
4.What does your name mean? who knows
5.Who picked your name? my parents
6.What's your nickname? Vespa
7.How old are you? 17
8.What color are your eyes? brown
9.Do you have an innie or an outie? innie
10.What size are your shoes? 8
11.How tall (or short)? 5' 7"ish
12.Honestly what do you like about yourself? my hair
13.What do you always get complimented on? my hair
16.Hair color? brown
17.Do you wear contacts? no-hopefully i'll get my glasses soon tho
18.Living Arrangements? my parents
21.Favorite Drinks? tea
22.Favorite alcoholic Drink? not a big fan of alcohol
23.Favorite month? january. i loveee winter!
24.Favorite foods: bread. and all of the above.
26.Favorite Web Site?
www.homestarrunner.com27.Favorite store? ae
31. Do you have more girl or boy friends? probably more girlfriends.
32. Who's your bestfriend(s)? leigh ann and ashley (from church)! alys and kp (from school)
33.Are your parents together? yup
34. How often do you get together with the family? all the time!
35. Do you enjoy it? sooooo much
37. Siblings and their age? betsy-almost 20! justin-9
38.You're a flirt? when i wanna
39.You're slutty? nope
40.You're anorexic? no way, i like food wayyyy to much
41.You like someone? i can't decide
42.You can keep secrets? Yes
43.You dance in front of the mirror? haha i'm not even gunna lie, of course i do!
44.You've watched a porn? no
45.You sing in the shower? depends
46.You like Britney Spears? sometimes
47.Do you like your cousins? i absolutely adore my cousins
48.You've been in a bathroom? yes? what does this mean?!?
49.You've seriously hurt someone? hate do say it, but yea
50.You've been hurt seriously? yes, it sucks
51.You cuss? sometimes when i'm really angry, or when i'm joking around
52.You get your way? sometimes
53.You're willing to try new things? yea
54.You've cheated on a test? yes<-- not proud of it
55.You've smoked? No way. the thought grosses me out!
56.What are you wearing? fleece pants and a thrift store t-shirt
58.What color are your pants? hmmm lemme see, red green, blue, pink (all different colors)
59.What are you listening to? the tv
60.How are you feeling? exhausted and sort of sick
61.What are you doing? this survey
62.What are you eating? chocolate
63.How many people are online? alot?
64.How's the weather? too hott for september
66.What books are you reading? to kill a mocking bird
67.How many lip glosses do you have? uhhhh seven? i dunno
68.What perfume do you use? love spell
69.What's in your purse? wallet, camera, sunglasses, ipod, keys, chapstick (berts bees)
70. Do you believe in kissing on the first date? it depends
71.Tall or short boys? tall
72.Blonde or brunette guys? yes. jk, probably brunette
73.Good or bad boy? good
74.Boxers showing? not so attractive
75.Long hair or short hair on boys? def long, and curly is cute, but straight is good too
76.What do you find annoying in a guy? pompas jerks
77.What's the first thing you notice about guys? smile, hair, dimples!
78.Have any piercings? depends, ears are okay, anything else depends
88.What was the last movie you saw? sum of all fears (in pop culture)
89. What are you hoping for? get into the college i want
91.Have you ever fallen asleep in school? yes it has happened
92.What movie do you really want to see? little mermaide? i dunno
94.What is your locker combo? yeah, i don't really have a lock yet
95.Where is your favorite place to travel? DISNEY WORLD (and i'm going 2times this year, once with chior and the other time with my family!)
96.What did you last dream about? too weird to write down
97.What was the last thing you ate? chocolate
98.If you were a crayon what color would you be? yellow (just like my crayon thermas)
99.Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? mamma
100.Do you like the person that sent this to you? yeah, copy and pasted it from the lovely tricia!
101.Do you hate anyone? uhhhh, hate is such a strong word
102.Ever had a crush on a teacher? yeah
103. Are you too shy to ask people out? yes and no. it depends.thats the guys job
104.Scary movies or happy endings? it depends what mood i'm in
105.Summer or winter? Winter<-- i lovee layers and snow and scarves and mittens and hot chocolate etc
106.Relationships or one night stands? Relationships, what do you think?!?
107.Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate!
108.Do you want your friends to write back? please
109. Who is most likely to respond? no clue
110. Who is least likely to respond? jonny depp?
111. What did you do last night? mandis bday partayyy
112. Anything else you want to add? keep in krumpin
113. What time is it now: 5:51pm
114. Football team? eh
115. Favorite sport? baseball! go yanks
116. Who did you last write a letter to? i don't know
117. What is your favorite class? bio!