Oct 02, 2004 09:28
EArly in the morning, i am sitting here waiting paitiently for my mother to take me to LA...
I just watched CRIBS with LiL wAyNe! hes so pimp, i love him.
today should be fun, but then again i say that about every day..... so maybe it will be fun, i dont no! LOL! but i am going to LA maybe to get my hair cut, out with collin, and then to work and hopefully chillin with my girls tonite!!!!! :::PRAY:::
last nite was life threatening....
i came home from work and i washed my face, i was so mad.
i am sick and tired of working with men, and their rude comments about me and the things they say while at work. IM SO SICK OF IT> i hate working with them, they are losers in life and they will never amount to anything.
ok, really glad i got that off my chest.
i stayed home and watched the sound of music with my mom ((ALLY AND PAIGE)), while everyone else was at the game. I swear when i get my license i will be gone everyyyyyyyyyday!!!!!!!! no joke, im blowin this popsicle stand!
everyone called me after the game, they said we lost by ALOT....oh well we will do better next time im sure! ;) just keep the old head up and we will surly dominate!
ok well i better be off, i need to get ready..