Wooo! I got my favorite pictures uploaded! I had to find a free photo sharing place though because I'm cheap and am not a special lj or xanga member ((so they won't let me put pictures there)) I have officially concluded that I need to get a digital camera!
http://jstanothergurl67.myphotoalbum.com/view_album.php Everyone should go see "Beauty and the Beast" performed by MPHS's Drama Club.. I haven't seen it yet ((because I was afraid I would end up coughing like crazy or sniffling alot, and I didn't want to be a nusiance)) but I am going to see it next week, should be amusing!
I've also heard from many people that Star Wars 3 is pretty dang good...that's now on my list of things to see...as well as "Kingdom of Heaven"...anything with Orlando Bloom is automatically on my list, but this movie actually does look good..