Jewel will now be guest-blogging at Blastr on a regular basis. Here are a few snippets from her article.
What would be your dream job that a character of yours would have in a movie?
Superhero. I would even settle for Superhero Sidekick, as long as I got to beat up at least one bad guy. This qualifies as a job, right? How much do Superheroes get paid?
You can invite five people to dinner, past, present, real, fictional, alive, or dead. Who'd it be?Again, it's impossible to think of only five. And even more impossible to figure out the menu! But I'll try my best. Off the top of my head:
-Meryl Streep. And after dessert, I would lock her in my basement until she taught me everything she knew.
-Chef Thomas Keller, so he could do the cooking.
-Django Reinhardt, to provide the music
-Conan O'Brien, to make us laugh
-and Sawyer from Lost. Cuz he's hot.
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