Jun 04, 2005 23:07
hey hey. whats
happening? not to much here just got home from work and bored out
of my mind. holy crap when i got in there they were like where
were u last night? i was like um i never work friday
nights. that stupid bitch cindy said that the schedule shanges
from week to week. thats a bunch of bull shit it has always been
the same since fuckin day 1. i was about to be like ok so do u
wanna fire me or what. i was so pissed. so ne
wayssss. lol. friday night was so fun i loved
it. megan picked me up from my house and then we went to
her house to pick up her dad so we could go out to eat. um i
forget the name of the place but it was really good. i had
chicken scampi. it was so good lol. then we went to
blockbuster to pick up the movie. she got um ladder 49.
that was a good movie. it was really fun at her house. then
after the movie her dad came home and was like yeah im watchin tv
lol so we watched what ever he was. he was like flippin
threw all the channels. from law and order to numbers to like a
few other stations. it was hard to keep up ahha. and he had
it so loud ahah. megan was teaseing him how deaf he is lol.
then megans bro came home from bowling with some friends. the one
was so funny he could not stop tellin jokes about blondes and stupid
shit lol. then megan called marcia and she came over and
she slep over too lol. luckyyy. lol. haha
marcia was flippin threw the channels and she saw iron chef haha she
fliped. lol it was crazy. iron chef :::chop chop chop chop
chop:: lol. hey i tried. lol.....hmm SATs were
today. boy was that retarted lol. so yeah i only found out
that the SATs were today until i got home from megans and talked to
jared lol. damn if it wasn't for him ahah that would have
sucked. lol. then i got home from the test and took a nap
lol. yeah i was so tired. then i got up and went to
work. boy that was gay ahah. im gonna go really tired
again. ttyl. have fun.
<3-------Megan. you can only be described in one word...amazing