And now Rodney is resisting me.
People: (and I address this to the inhabitants of Atlantis who have not just rolled over and given it up to my brain - unlike Ronon - who is a good boy and does what all the ladies tell him) - am I asking so much? All I want to do is get the story out of my head and on to the computer, so I will not think about it obsessively when I am supposed to be doing other things, like, I don't know working. Must we drag this process out? know...take off your clothes and get on the page. God. How hard is that?
Rodney (not unreasonably) feels that there is not enough a)porn, or b)science in his bit. So far there's just all this sociology and anthropology and manly repression. None of those things are Rodney's cup of tea.
I'm trying to bribe him by talking about how rewarding it's going to be when he realizes that Ronon keeps Throwing Him to the Ground and Protecting Him with His Body because he can't help liking the little noises Rodney makes when he's struggling to breathe against the side of Ronon's face. I keep hoping that once Rodney realizes what a very Superior thing it is to be a Ring-Eye, he will be having too much fun gloating about Sheppard's inferior green-hazel mix, to be put out about the "pretty-but-dumb" thing.
Also, I am having a hard time deciding whether Rodney would imagine himself as a top or a bottom. Most of my mental images of him and John (and they are legion) short out right around the point when they are gasping half-heard words against each other's mouths, frantically rubbing off against each other's bodies while they are scared-angry-drunk-in peril-wet or...well, wet. mmmm.
I mean, Ronon's whole societal bias towards bondage seems like it would make him a bottom, because he's used to a somewhat passive sexual role. But maybe after all these years of Struggling against what He Knows is Wrong, he will be Overcome by his Longing, and become quite grabby.
As much as I feel for John's DADT repression, I wish that Aliens would make Rodney and Ronon do it.
Rodney would be nattering on about personal space, and respecting other cultures being all very well in Theory, but in practice he likes to conduct this kind of business in private. John could be tied up to watch. And gagged, probably. Yeah, definitely gagged. And he could be looking at Ronon significantly, trying to communicate his orders with his eyes alone, and Ronon would be trying so hard to understand, but his head would be spinning a bit and he wouldn't be able to breathe quite right, and just as Rodney sort of sighs resignedly, and says something about how they better get on with it if they want the Colonel back, Ronon would have a sudden moment of utter clarity.
He isn't quite sure what John is trying to tell him - although even John's hair seems to be attempting desperately to communicate something - but he does know what his primary responsibility to the team is. So he seizes Rodney's hips, and pushes him against the altar and...
See! What happens?! I don't know! Does Rodney just let Ronon push him back against the altar and start awkwardly mouthing him through his pants? I sort of don't think so, but I can't really see the opposite happening either.
I can totally see John, whatever happens, moving his own mouth desperately against his gag...and it starts out because he is trying to shout orders, and then it turns into just a desperate need to have something against his tongue while he watches Ronon (Rodney?) do what the Aliens want.
Poor John. Poor pretty pretty John.
I watched a little bit of "The Eye" last night before I went to sleep - mostly just the Glorious!HOT!ness! that is John Sheppard stalking through Atlantis with a gun, killing people. It's possibly a tiny bit sick, the little shiver I get when Ford says, "He'll be the dot getting rid of the other dots", or when he nods at Ford and tells him he won't need the Wraith Stunner, and says "Shoot to Kill". (I've skipped so many moments here - like when he's streaming with rain thinking that Elizabeth has been killed, with his fist white-knuckled around the communicator, and grits out to Kolya "I am going to kill you." Even Kolya can't help but acknowledge the power of SHEP at that moment, with his "Maybe".)
I wonder what it is that makes him so transcendentally hot in that episode... I mean, apart from the obvious good looking boy streaming with water, all worked up and ready to explode...hmm. Well that's half of it.
But the other half is...
There is something about a man in uniform. With a gun. And I don't think this is Hollywood successfully brainwashing me - I think it is possible and reasonable that I would have a basic biological response to the image of a nice strong man all suited up and ready to defend me. (I'm Elizabeth in this story I guess...or - even better, I am Atlantis.)
And when I say "basic biological" I mean basic. John Sheppard is a man who could protect me and our babies from harm. (John Sheppard and I have babies, btw. Maybe that's why Rodney won't talk to me.)
When I was 18, I was living near a fairly big city that had another fairly big city a couple of hours away, and between the two of them, there was a military base. Possibly the horniest I have ever been in my life was the Fourth of July of that summer when me and my sister and a bunch of our friends went to the base for the holiday. Whoa! Men in UNIFORM.
And I think that's right. Even in these disastrous times, when our military is buried in a mismanaged war for all the wrong reasons, the people in uniform - the ones who have volunteered to be our fighting force, deserve for me to get hot and bothered (or kind and loving, or quiet and respectful) over them. I had somewhat old-fashioned parents - who are generally quite liberal, but to whom patriotism was very important. They are both old enough to remember their lives as children during World War II, and it's an impression that has never been swept away by any of our country's subsequent history.
Maybe it's why they were so tolerant of all those military boys.
Hilariously, although there were a swarm of about 15 guys connecting and hooking up (and un-hooking) with my crowd that summer, I never got laid. You wanna know why? We met those boys (one by one and in groups) at a dance club, and then would go to Denny's (the only 24 hour place in town), and eat burgers and pie, and then they would come back to our house, and...sleep over. Like 5 or 7 of them at a time, sprawled all over the living room. My parents had a policy that we could bring anyone home for any length of time, but that we all had to be back under the roof by 2:00.
And it was a hot summer, and we had one of those above-ground pools that are about 4 ft. deep...and you would think that that would have led to a lot of skinny dipping and such, but instead what it lead to was Lawn Mowing.
And I do not mean that as a euphemism.
All of those boys were horny too, and they were quite excited by the gaggle of girls they met on their weekend passes, but they were even more excited to wake up the next morning and find my mom making breakfast. And they fell all over themselves helping my dad in the yard. And we had a lot of cook-outs. And there was some fun in the pool, but it was more of the "Marco-Polo" variety than one might have expected.
They sure liked making out, but they loved the bits of home and family that they got the next morning even more. And they kept coming back, and bringing their friends and did a lot of yard work and ate a lot of pancakes.
A girl that I wasn't particularly close too once said something in the bathroom of the club about how to keep these guys interested, you had to put out quick. She should have known about the power of the lawn mower.