Knit the raveled sleave of care. Or the sleeve. I still can't spell.

Jan 11, 2010 16:39

So Mr. Angel just called me at work to confess that he dozed off and let TJ take a 3 hour and 20 minute nap!


I've always thought that a great anti-smoking ad would be to have a calendar or a clock next to a person smoking, showing how long they will live. It would jump-cut as they lit or stubbed out cigarette after cigarette - and the number would go down and down. Like "This dude has 87 years ahead of him - now 83, now 79, now 64 etc etc."

This is how I feel about bedtime! Every minute of a nap that lasts longer than an hour during the day equals a later and later bed time! Letting a baby sleep too much during the day is identical to painfully cutting short an otherwise happy life with nicotine poisoning! Or something like that!

TJ is teething, and has been gradually pushing things later and later - so that last week Thursday night she went down at 3:00 am. When I am working my normal shift, I theoretically get up at 6:00 am for work - and by "theoretically", I mean that typically my alarm goes off, I hit snooze, I oversleep the snooze and then I try to brush my teeth and pump at the same time, blow off showering for the 2nd (3rd? 4th?) day in a row, run out of the house, spend money we don't have on a cab only to realize that I left the pump parts at home, which means that at lunch I have to rush home and back (2 cabs! $20!!), and then there are stress hormones in my breast milk, which undoubtedly lead to cancer, color blindness or stunted hula-hooping abilities in small children, and then I rush home after work only to find that my traitorous husband has let the baby TAKE A THREE HOUR NAP so that she will stay up all night again!

Last night she went to sleep at 12:20 after I accidentally nursed her to sleep (I thought she wasn't really going to go down until 1:00 or so, and I figured I'd nurse her and then do our "bedtime" "routine", complete with pom poms, the aformentioned hula hoop and a landing that the Russian judge routinely dismisses from the world stage in disgust.) But she fell asleep! And she didn't wake up until 8:50 am! And I thought - aha! This is totally acceptable and brilliant! But now it's all ruined! Ruined, I tell you(!!), by her indulgent daddy and her undisciplined napping.

Or whatever - who knows. Maybe she'll fall asleep at 10:00 tonight - there's really no telling. She is good at staying asleep once she gets there - her normal wake up time is 9:00 am, so if she goes down at 1:00, well, that's an 8 hour chunk right there (for her) and a solid 5 hours for me (which is, sadly, sort of fantastic.)

Let's root for 1:00 am, people. Mr. Angel's life is hanging in the balance. I have to be tough about these things. I like him a lot, and he is cute and gives good back rubs, but naps in excess of 3 hours are just over the line.


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