Aug 04, 2008 08:32
1) Transition back to posting after sad hiatus = difficult.
2) SGA = awesome - I am loving the new season so far.
3) The Dark Knight = entertaining, but, really...Heath Ledger was very good, and A+ to him for working hard and whatnot, but...this is what he tragically destroyed himself over?
It's a comic book, dude! Dial it back a notch. If you can't achieve a performance of the Joker without locking yourself in your hotel room and driving yourself actually crazy until you're too strung out to come down afterwords, UR DOIN' IT WRONG.
Or, in the words of Sir Laurence Olivier, "Dear boy, it's called acting"
In other news, can we talk about prime / not prime for a second?
I am not a math person, so I didn't really think about it much before I started writing it into a story, but...
Is it actually a dorky memory game? I used to think, "eh, I guess I'll suspend my disbelief" about Mckay and Zelenka doing the math in their heads - it takes computers years to calculate new primes - but whatevs, I hear that McKay at least is a genius...and then I started thinking that it was a pattern recognition thing, like on an IQ test where they give you a series of numbers and you're supposed to figure out the next one in the sequence...I think real math people can just "feel" what's right, the way a great jazz musician can feel the right notes to play.
But now I am starting to think that it's really just that they know a lot of prime numbers - that it's the equivalent of Mckay discussing the trivia of Batman episodes (see - ha - this entire post does have an underlying theme) with Sheppard.
Yes? No? Prime? Not-Prime? It's important, because it changes the game from a conscious display of mad math genius, to an unconscious display of an intensely dorkitudenous hobby (defeating people by memorizing special numbers.)
Oh Rodney. I love you anyway.
the dark knight