Hell Yeah Columbus!

Jan 05, 2011 19:09

I went to Ohio State and so I drove by where this guy was standing when I traveled back to campus after visiting my parents sometimes on weekends. I know exactly where this is and it's awesome someone from the Columbus Dispatch saw him and gave him a chance. :)

I watched the Early Show interview and bless his heart when he starts talking about his mom. ♥

Wall Street Journal article

The new year is only a few days old and already the Internet is changing lives. After a Columbus Dispatch reporter profiled a homeless man who trained as a radio announcer before falling on hard times, the video has gone viral and led to media appearances and possible job opportunities. In the video, the homeless man, Ted Williams, is seen panhandling by the side of a highway, and telling his story in a mellifluous baritone. NFL Films has reportedly contacted the newspaper about hiring Williams for voice-overs, as have the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Watch the video.

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