Jun 22, 2010 00:01
- 09:50 Don't want to be at work today. Want to be at home, tinkering with my busted motorcycle. #
- 11:56 @ KaiLoi @headhntr One mans Vagina Dentata is another mans Ribbed For His Pleasure. #
- 14:29 OK. Just opened my Macbook, touched the screen/an icon in the dock to launch an app. Confused/Annoyed when it didn't work. #ipad #thefuture #
- 16:12 @ FitzMojoBob One of those sweet flags-on-a-pole things. #
- 17:23 Replaced torrenting disk. Went from single pata drive to 6 x 15,000rpm U320 SCSI LVMs. Transfer speed now officially gone PLAID. #
- 19:56 Back from the garage, where I've been workin' on my bike. Manly manly man man! ... now to watch some animes! I call them MANIMES! #
- 20:10 @ MeganWegan Maybe. WHAT OF IT?! #
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