Title: Way Down We Go
felisblancoPairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 17.934 words
“So here’s what I’m proposing. In a minute I’m going to stand up, you stay here. I’m going to go upstairs and I’m going to fetch a proper collar. And then I’ll come downstairs and, if you agree to this, you’ll be waiting, on your knees, and I’ll put the collar on you. And it stays there, the whole weekend.”
Warnings: BDSM. Including asphyxiation, spanking, whipping and probably too many butt plugs. Also, I'd like to warn for mention of rape by a former partner. Otherwise pretty much the same warnings apply as for
the rest of this verse.
Author's note: This is in straight continuation of Part 3 so if you haven't read that, or it's been a while (What do you mean it was 5 years ago?) I suggest you read that first. Beta'd by the lovely
candygramme but all mistakes are mine and mine alone. Title from the song by Kaleo.
On LJ On AO3.