Would You Save My Soul Tonight

Oct 01, 2015 11:36

Title: Would You Save My Soul Tonight
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Words: 4,800

Summary: Jared has to go back to the war. Saying goodbye to Jensen is the hardest part.
Warnings/Kinks: Space, war, angst, schmoop, goodbye sex
Disclaimer: Not real.
Notes: Written for this prompt at spn_masquerade. The OP had me at intergalactical war. See additional notes before the epilogue. Many thanks to lotrspnfangirl and theatregirl7299 for the quick beta. All remaining mistakes are my own.

category: angst, category: pwp, category: alternate universe, wc: 5000-9999, category: drama, content: established relationship, rating: nc-17

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