Fic: The Heart Must Yield

Jul 07, 2015 06:40

Title: The Heart Must Yield
Author: deirdre_c
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 41,500

Summary: Jensen was only a common knight of the King's Guard, so he was astonished when he was named as Warden to the last surviving heir of Lord Padalecki. Jensen’s duty was to escort young Jared to the royal court to marry a cousin as a condition for his inheritance, but somewhere along the journey, he found he'd fallen in love with his Ward. While Jensen was bound by honor to urge Jared into the arms of another, it turned out Jared had other plans.

Written for the 2015 spn_j2_bigbang. With gorgeous art by uh_tiramisu

A flicker of movement drew Jensen’s eye, and he realized they would not have to travel all the way up to the monastery after all. Flashes of sunlight glinted from bits and bridles of the party arrayed along the path in the valley’s bowl.

wc: 25000-49999, category: alternate universe, category: romance, content: first time, rating: nc-17

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