Fic: I'm a Bitch Vampire. Yay.... (Chapter 3)

May 25, 2015 15:21

Title: I'm a Bitch Vampire. Yay....
Chapter: Chapter 3
Pairing: Jensen/Jared, J2 AU
Rating: NC-17 (For future chapters. This one is R.)
Wordcount: 4,000 ish (WIP)
Warning: Vampirism. Bloodplay. Slavery. Chad Michael Murray.
Disclaimer: The boys are not mine. This did not happen. And if it did, I wasn't invited.

Summary: Vampire movies? Full of shit. That's what Jared learns when he's forcibly turned and caged, set to be sold into vampire slavery. Turns out, the big bad variety of vampires only feed from other vampires. And little bitch vampires like him? They're sold as walking blood bags and pets. Freshly turned and in the home of his owner, Jared struggles to understand his new nature and his new master. Stockholm Syndrome, anyone?

(Rating and tags for future chapters.)

I'm a Bitch Vampire. Yay....

content: rimming, series: wip, content: violence, content: masturbation, category: romance, content: first time, rating: nc-17

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