J2 | Drowning | NC-17

Mar 19, 2015 11:17

Title: Drowning
Words: 4700
Warnings: dubcon, age gap (Jensen's 16; Jared's 30), predatory actions, all ends up okay
Summary: Jensen goes shopping for swimwear and gets a whole lot more from the shop's owner.
Notes: Written for 2015 spn_masquerade, prompt: Sixteen year old Jensen goes shopping without his parents for the very first time. He desperately needs new swimming trunks for his stay at summer camp. He ends up in Jared's shop, who is willing to help Jensen choose the right trunks.

content: underage, content: dub-con, category: alternate universe, content: first time, wc: 1000-4999, rating: nc-17

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