My Heart Beats For you 1-2/?

Jan 06, 2015 15:23

Title: My Heart Beats For You
Author: OhWilloTheWisp
Rating: R
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst,
Warnings: RPS, explicit sex, language, past abuse, dub-con, violence, dark!Jared, blind!Jensen, sociopath!Jared, stalker!Jared, Stockholm Syndrome, abduction, obsessive behavior, minor character death, non-graphic violence
Word Count: 3001(so far)
Summary: From the moment Jared sees the reclusive Jensen he knows, without a doubt that they are meant to be together forever. And he will do whatever it takes to make that happen.

When Jensen's attempts to escape from his stalker unintentionally manages to bring them closer together the line between obsession and love starts to blur. Soon Jensen is no longer sure if he can escape from Jared, or if he really wants to.


content: dark themes, category: angst, series: wip, category: hurt/comfort, content: dub-con, category: alternate universe, rating: r

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