[fic]: What Goes on Tour (Jared/Jensen) NC-17

May 13, 2014 15:03

Fic: What Goes on Tour

Fandom: Supernatural RPF

Pairing: Jared/Jensen

Rating: NC-17

Wordcount: 4600

Content notes: rimming, blowjob, brief exhibitionism,

A/N: Written for smpc. Takes place in the 2000s

Summary: Jensen Ackles had his life planned out and being a rising star wasn’t part of it. One night with Jared Padalecki later, and nothing is ever the same again. Now all he has to do is get Jared to try the sex bit again.


content: rimming, category: humor, category: alternate universe, wc: 1000-4999, rating: nc-17

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