Learning to Breathe - Part 14/? Jared/Jensen [NC-17]

Apr 15, 2014 03:33

Title: Learning to Breathe - Chapter 14
Author: reggie11
Genre/pairing: J2 RPS Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC 17 overall - this chapter M
Word Count: approx 2200
Warning: This is a multi-chapter fic that contains graphic depictions of non-con/sexual assault by multiple assailants.This chapter does not contain any sexual violence.
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the stories I weave. The actors names are used as if being cast in roles and bear no resemblance to real life. No offence intended, no profit being made.
Summary: Musician Jensen and actor Jared are the best of friends. After Jared is viciously assaulted, his life begins to fall apart as he ties to come to terms with what has happened. the only person he feels comfortable touching him is Jensen. As their bond becomes deeper, it's Jensen who helps Jared regain his life and learn to breathe again.

"I can't keep living like this, and I'm sick of feeling guilty for something that wasn't my fault."

category: angst, series: wip, category: hurt/comfort, content: non-con, content: first time, rating: nc-17

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