Fic: Pay Phone

Dec 03, 2012 18:38

Title: Pay Phone
Author: firesign10
Artist: bellagattino
Fandom Supernatural RPS
Pairing(s): J2 (Jared/Jensen)
Beta: pipisafoat
Word Count: 44,270
Genre: SPN RPS, non-AU
Rating: R for language and subject matter, with one NC-17 section
Warnings: M/M sex, angst
Spoiler(s): Season 1 through the end of Season 5
Disclaimer: It's all fiction: Jensen, Jared, and all other parties belong to themselves; none of this happened in real life; I have an overactive imagination. Supernatural is a property of the CW and does not in any way belong to me. Lyrics at the beginning of the story are from the song, "Pay Phone" by Maroon 5, and do not in any way belong to me.

Summary: Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles first meet as co-stars on a new tv show, Supernatural. Co-stars become best friends . . . until their relationship changes one summer, as they vacation together at the Outer Banks in North Carolina. It's idyllic there . . . but what about the rest of the world? Jensen and Jared find that they have very different ideas about life and love. Can they make it work in Vancouver and California? Will their relationship grow in the public eye, or wither in the closet? And how long can true love last?

Also featuring Genevieve Cortese; Jim Beaver; Donna and Alan Ackles; Ellen DeGeneres. Mentioned: Sandy McCoy; Misha Collins; Eric Kripke. Dan Spilo, various actors

Author's Notes:
This story was inspired by (of course) the beautiful and talented men, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. The thematic inspiration is from the song, "Pay Phone" by Maroon 5. When I started this story, I thought it would just be a short vignette, but I was a little wrong about that! Then I joined the Big Big Bang challenge, and things continued to grow from there. I vastly enjoyed writing this story, and learned many things along the way. I'm excited to send it out into the world now, and I truly hope you enjoy it.

Thanks go out to the following:
Thanks to big_bigbang and deadflowers5 for hosting this challenge, thus giving me the motivation to write and the opportunity to post this story.
Thanks to blogula and furuba9 for listening patiently as I worked out plot points and read them various bits.
Thanks to bellagattino for reading various rough drafts and providing moral support and enthusiasm.
And a million thanks to my beta and dear friend, pipisafoat for her stellar beta work, the major support she offered me all throughout this effort, and her assistance in getting me to write in the first place.

Link to the story on LJ!

Link to the story on AO3!

Part 1 * * * * Part 2 * * * * Part 3 * * * * Part 4 * * * * Part 5 * * * * Part 6

Part 7 * * * * Part 8 * * * * Part 9 * * * * Part 10

category: angst, series: complete, wc: 25000-49999, category: drama, category: romance, content: first time, rating: nc-17

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