Fangtastic - NC17 - 1/1 - J2

Dec 24, 2010 22:27

Title - Fangtastic.
Rating - NC17
Pairing - Jared/Jensen
Word Count - 6786 (yeah I know, it was meant to be a SMALL package...)
Beta - bigj52 (thank you honey for your help once again!)
Satan's little helpers - cynicl, icelily01, larantula thank you ladies for your great suggestions!
Warnings - m/m sex, bloodplay (minimal), angst, vampirisim, rimming, fellatio - there may be more but nothing too wild in there!
Written for insmallpackages prompt #146 - 'J2 ficlet - Honestly, anything to do with vampires!! First-time would be AMAZING, but est. relationship is fine too - Maybe one of the extras from the club scene in Twi Hard was a real vamp and turns one of the J's - He's naturally in denial, because vampires aren't "real", right up until the point where his roommate starts lookin' and smellin' mighty tasty!! ;)'
Summary - the prompt pretty much explains it! It's first time J2, non AU, vampire Jared's confused as hell until Jensen helps him find his way.

Fic this way!

content: dark themes, category: horror, wc: 5000-9999, rating: nc-17

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