Yours By Any Other Name (Jared/Jensen-Dean, NC-17)

Aug 26, 2008 12:37

TITLE: Yours By Any Other Name
PAIRING: Jared/Jensen-Dean
SUMMARY: Jensen shows Jared he belongs to Jensen no matter who he is.
WORDS: 3493
NOTES: PWP. Dirtybadwrong porn. Role-playing, breath-play, bondage, gun-porn. Possessive!Top!Dean-Jensen.

( "No." Jensen sinks his teeth into Jared's lip and bites *hard*. He shakes his head slow, tugging Jared's lip and then he pulls away, tongue flicking out, licking Jared's mouth. Jensen's eyes are hard, glinting wicked in the dim light, and the set of his shoulders, his movements, the curve of his smirk are all purely... "Dean," Jared whispers. )

category: pwp, content: role-playing, content: breath-play, wc: 1000-4999, content: bdsm, content: kink

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