Title: Handsy
agentotterFandom: J2 RPS
Characters: Jensen/Jared
Rating: G
image here Just remembered I had another piece finished that I could post... this was a large-format image so I had to take a photograph of it rather than scan; apologies for the not-great quality. This was done in pencil, which is my least favorite medium ever these days, but it was for a class assignment at my last college, so I had to use the medium my professor insisted upon. (Damn it.) On portfolio review day when I had it tacked up on the wall for all to see, my classmates, who had no idea who either of these gentlemen are, immediately concluded that they were totally boyfriends. When I said, "Well, they're really good friends," one of my fellows started to argue with me that clearly those men are beyond friends. It was awesome. So, you know, it's not just us and our tin hats. ;D