Aug 20, 2007 11:57
Do you think you are being held back? Is there something or someone in the way of your success? Are you being troubled by the in-laws?
Jacob had a vision: marry Rachel and live happily ever after. Laban had another idea, however. He could not see his darling eldest daughter Leah being passed by and passed up by her younger sister on the road to matrimony, so he did a switcheroo on the wedding night. (note to men: light some candles, lift the veil, make sure she's your bride)
Well, Jacob found out soon enough that Rachel was back at her daddy's tent while Leah was freshening up after a night of wedded bliss. To make a long story short, Jacob negotiated another contract with Laban for the hand of Rachel, his true love. Another seven years of labor was all it would take, but the Bible tells us the time passed quickly.
Let the baby wars begin! Actually, Leah had a head start. But God closed Rachel's womb, and so she could not conceive. It would be a bit before Jacob and her had their love child, Joseph.
Have you ever wondered why God was taking so long answering your prayer, activating your ministry, or why those around you couldn't see God's anointing on your life and get out of the way? The answer is all about timing.
If God can close a womb until He deems it right for a child to come forth, in this case a savior of the world at that time (that would be Joseph), then He can close the mind of a loved one, lose a letter of intent, or simply reroute that phone call to your best and present hope.
He closed Rachel's womb. He can stop the ears or befuddle the mind of those around you so you feel as if no one understands you or believes you. I know. It has happened to me.
I've cast so many pearls at the swine(flesh and blood symbols of wrong motives in this case) that I could have buried the people up to their necks in them. It can happen to you. It will happen to you.
God wants you to be patient. He thinks so highly of you that He wants to spring you forward at just the right moment. He also wants to rid you of a divided heart--He wants you to step into your destiny with the right motives. No one is perfect, but it will help greatly if your heart is in the right place, and in one accord with the will of God for your life.
Joseph was born at the right time, with his brothers old enough to be really insulted by their father's favoring of him over them. He had to be old enough to be able to travel to his brothers' camp to find out how they were doing, but not old enough to actually go with them in the first place.
Rachel's womb had to be closed enough for Jacob to really crave a child by her so much that he would risk family unity by giving Joseph that fancy coat.
Timing is everything. God loves order.
So the next time you look at your spouse and wonder why he or she won't get a clue, think about Rachel. When you speak of heavenly things, and the people around you treat your words like yesterday's news, think of Rachel.
Your time is coming. Wait on the Lord. He will renew your strength, and when it is time, you will be ready.