Humans all look alike!

Jun 02, 2007 20:19

Yeah, I said it! I am so racist! I believe that all humans look alike. Man, am I going to get in trouble! But I had to say it...

Sometimes all this non-hate just builds up inside of me and I have to speak out and talk of my prejudices. And I am prejudiced towards the segregating of people. I am a non-segregationist. Is that even a word?

See, I believe that we all come from God (Yes, THAT God; the one from the Bible) and that we are tri-une beings made in His image. I mean, He is Father-Son-Holy Spirit. We are body-soul-spirit. It's the spirit part of us that is very interesting. A spirit is eternal. God is eternal...

Now's not the time to pull out the scriptures and explain myself Biblical-ly. Besides, I am so prejudiced in my beliefs that you won't believe me anyway. Suffice it to say that I believe we came from Him, and therefore we are connected with each other.

Yeah, sure, we are a veritable cornucopia of pigmentation, cultures, beliefs, dis-beliefs, and we are spread out all over the Earth. None of us has even seen the vast majority of the rest of us, but we all come from Adam and Eve. The name "Adam" is plural, by the way, in the original Hebrew. That's a lot of ribs to make Eves out of, isn't it?

What if you don't believe in my God? Tough! Get over it! I find no evidence to suggest there is any other real God. And I am prejudiced, remember?

So we all look alike, we come from the same place, and therefore we are all going to the same place after we die. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it! You don't like me. Tough. We are all one body, despite what some Christians might tell you. The Bible doesn't distinguish between non-believers and believers, in that regard. So you are stuck with me. Ha!

Hate me? You cannot hate yourself. Well, you might hate what you were, or what you have become, but you cannot truly hate yourself. And since we are all one body, you can only hate what I say, or how I act, or that I might be a little different than you (just another cell in our body).
But it doesn't change a thing...humans all look alike! (and nothing like a monkey...)
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