I'll bet this has never happened to you

Jul 30, 2008 21:55

Two nights ago, I was woken up by something cold and wet landing on my arm. Drowsily, I gazed over in that direction. In the mostly dark room, without my glasses on, I could make out ribbitsmum's hand, and a vague impression of movement. My fuzzy brain decided she must have had something in her hand, and while asleep, her hand opened and it dropped on me. So I spent twenty seconds patting around in the bed trying to find it, before giving up and deciding to go back to sleep.

Just a few seconds later, ribbitsmum screamed. I fully woke up, and heard her say "IT'S A FROG!" I sat up and looked, but of course, I didn't have my glasses on. She said again "It's a frog! Do you see it?" My reply was "I don't have my glasses on. I can't see anything."

Once I got them on, and walked over to her side of the bed, there it was. Whitish gray, body about as big as a golf ball. And two of our kitties were very, very interested. I got a piece of cardboard off the floor, and folded it into a taco-shell shape. I nudges Monsieur Frog into the taco shell, and carried him out to the front door. While trying to get him out the door, he resisted momentarily, but I let him loose none the less.

That was the most interesting of the 4 times I was woken up that night. And this is the end of my frog blog.


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