Quality of Commentary/Rant

Oct 13, 2006 02:17

A high school acquaintance had this on her live journal page... http://youtube.com/watch?v=KmsOIjzQ1V8

I enjoyed the happy go lucky tune. As is typical, however, the liberal political commentary is vague and relies on entertaining unprovable, over-broad, or disproven assumptions. Just 3 examples from this video: 1) That people who have support the troops magnets are hypocritical because they are driving SUVs, 2) That fuel inefficient personal vehicles, such as SUVs, are causing or are a major cause of our energy deficit, 3) That the Iraq war and a potential future conflict with Iran is about oil, and several more from this clip alone.

I think I'm going to start fighting this kind of political commentary with my own unsubstantiated assertions... Kim Jong Il, Hugo Chavez and Mahmoud Ahmadinijad are being secretly propped up by Democrats so they have something to attack Bush on over foreign policy for future elections, and Jimmy Carter, with his frequent visits around the world is the mastermind and sealed the deal by having Habitat for Humanity build each county's leader a nice 2 bedroom house.

There... now I will repeat it over and over again because if we learned anything from Hitler it is that anything repeated enough times becomes true. Perhaps I will use Wikipedia's truth by democracy format to help. They don't ever need to explain how exactly everything ever done by a Republican MUST be the bidding of some corporate conglomerate and their lobbyists cackling fiendishly in some cigar-filled room on K street. Therefore, I will start doing the same. Ignoring potentially true statements depending on one's view, such as Democrats want people to be able to kill babies (sorry, I couldn't resist), I will start saying that Democrats want to sell your home to hobos and hippies. Nothing will stop the corrupt machine that is Democratic voting based upon the special interest money of panhandling hobos and rich parents of spoiled college hippies. We must call them murderers and repeatedly protest and accuse them of lying.

Better yet, let's create a multi-billion dollar public service bureaucracy whereby we ensure no one can ever be fired via some convoluted tenure system and then start preaching the above gospel. It is amazing we all seem to believe, or at least pay lip service to, representative government. This is especially so when we consider that any given politically active person believes at least 30% of the electorate to be irredeemably incorrect about everything. When the Tzar granted the ability of provinces and local areas to elect mini-Dumas in the arly 20th century they decided the best thing to do was pass a whole bunch of laws to oppress Jews (ala Fiddler on the Roof). Today, not much has changed.

Sure, we don't pass laws beating up on Jews... but we pick our flavor of the week and blame that group for everything. Examples of the past 50 years include: corporations, unions, communism, capitalism, christianity, blacks, racists, men, homosexuals, homophobes, "Christian Fundamentalists" (a favorite of mine... my response is "secular jihadists" since we seem to want to use terms of art in the age of terrorism), angry white men, and the list goes on.

What gives the state the right to control individual action? Well, basically because there are enough people who acquiesce and enough guns to tame the rest into compliance. What gives the individual the right to exercise ignorance at the ballot box? Well, basically we are hoping that our side wins and lots of people never vote. Thankfully only slightly above 1/2 of eligible adults vote in America. If we had 70% like most of Europe we would likely have some absurd and unsustainable nanny state because it is always easy to blame some rich guy for all your problems and take his stuff. I have vowed before never to aid a person in voting unless I know or am reasonably confident that he/she will vote for my candidates... why cancel out my own voice my telling a hippie where the polling station is? Is not the object of politics to win?

As it is the object of politics to win, I can understand why people make asinine assertions under the belief that if other people could just hear what they believe magically everyone would agree on the "truth". Blah... whatever... I am just sick of hearing why I shouldn't vote for a Republican Governor of Wisconsin because some weirdo from Florida tried to seduce a couple pages in Washington. Don't get me wrong... I'm all for kicking the SOB out, and even giving Democrats a free seat in the House since he can't get someone else's name on the ballot in time. I would like to know why suddenly Democrats feel certain sexual practices are inappropriate. Homosexuality is the new sliced bread. We have an absolute right to kill a fetus before we are burdened with the consequences of our sexual actions. We should stop denying that our kids are having sex and give them lots of free birth control so High School can be a giant orgy, but writing lurid emails and IMs to a teenager of the same sex is blasphemy. Not only is it just so awful, we must ask for the resignation of every Republican who didn't immediately accuse Congressman Foley of being a pedophile and searching through his "personal life" when things were unclear.

Just imagine the reaction from the Elite Media, the ACLU, and the Gay Rights Community if evil homophobic Republicans had accused a Congressman, on shaky evidence, of being a homosexual pedophile and demanding his resignation from Congress. "Blah blah... lying political maneuver to excite their fundamentalist Christian, evil, homophobic base... blah blah." Anyway, It is getting late and I need to prep for my weekly 3:30 worker exploitation and the semi-annual Republican child beating and senior citizen starving convention. This year's guest speaker is Benito Mussolini's grandson...
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