to remain secure against NSA surveillance, "Guardian", by Bruce
As was revealed today, the NSA also works with security product vendors to ensure that commercial encryption products are broken in secret ways that only it knows about. We know this has happened historically: CryptoAG and Lotus Notes are the most public examples,
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Comments 13
(Надевая шапочку из фольги) А если бы я был NSA, только что сделавшей прорыв в области факторизации и дискретных логарифмов, я бы придумал эту историю со Сноуденом и сам слил всё в Guardian, чтобы люди прониклись и стали активно использовать end-to-end шифрование, наивно полагая, что оно секьюрно.
One, we should expose. If you do not have a security clearance, and if you have not received a National Security Letter, you are not bound by a federal confidentially requirements or a gag order. If you have been contacted by the NSA to subvert a product or protocol, you need to come forward with your story. Your employer obligations don't cover illegal or unethical activity. If you work with classified data and are truly brave, expose what you know. We need whistleblowers.
We need to know how exactly how the NSA and other agencies are subverting routers, switches, the internet backbone, encryption technologies and cloud systems. I already have five stories from people like you, and I've just started collecting. I want 50. There's safety in numbers, and this form of civil disobedience is the moral thing to do.
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