Every time I type out things I end up deleting them.So I am gonna try to get this one out. I dont even think to post the cool stuff anymore like being hassled by six cops the other day in Fort Worth. Most of my updates are videos or photos and I barely have videos anymore because I am saving all of my footage, and I dont have pictures because I am doing video all the time. I skate nearly every day. I got new skates and made a video I just remembered to post it. I use to be anxious to post something like that on here. I am ready to quit my job. It has been about a year since I have used shampoo. Did I make that post already? I am moving in with Dylan in about two weeks. I miss girls. I will try to be less lame. I am happy. I meet new people here and there. I am trying to do better.
When you read this months and years from now remember to seek wisdom, be loving, kind, generous, all of the fruits of the spirit. Surround yourself with good people, get things done. Get away if you have to. I dont know exactly why I said that but maybe it will be helpful one day.
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