"David's Poem"
Slight, slight slash, yearning
'Waiting (The Storm)’
I’ve been waiting for you
It seems like forever
Only been a few years
I watch as you seem to shrink into yourself
As the storm around you seems to grow
You can’t remember me
Can’t remember what we had
What we never had
I want to stand with you
Hold your hand
Watch as you grow again
As you stand up straight
Don’t shrink, don’t disappear into nothing
You deserve to stand with others
To speak up, not down
Don’t turn shy, stand up for what you believe in
Don’t let others tell you what to do
It’s your life, your body, your soul
Your pride, your sadness, your forever
Not theirs
Waiting and watching
I stand here
In the storm as it passes by
Letting the pen slide from his hand, David sighed. Standing up he left the paper where it laid. As he disappeared into another room, the poem fluttered. It pulled off the page and went into nothing with a flash.
David came back to see the same words still on the page. What he didn’t realize was that they were also in another place, another notebook, being read by another David. This David seemed to realize what was being unsaid and picked up the cell phone. A click, rings, and then a voice. “Cook, It’s David. I need to tell you something….”