Relena, Bella, and females in general

Jul 27, 2010 14:27

Question. Why do we all hate Relena? Me its cuz she is annoying and going
after Heero the whole time.

My sister made a good point though, she's 15-17 and still a teenager She acts
like one but we all seem to dislike if not hate her. My sister says the reason
why we treat Relena that way is because we all follow each others example. I
agree and am trying to like her but it's hard. Like Bella from Twilight is hard
to like so is Relena for me. Though I'm trying with both.

So I'm asking, why do u hate or dislike Relena? Heck, why do we dislike female
characters in the first place? Not just cuz we love two guys together but for

Like Bella us to dependent on Edward, Jake would let her use him all the time.
Edward is to dang possessive(though I don't mind that in slash or crossovers
slash w/him....) and idiotic when coming to Bella. Plus, the
imprinting on babies? Ugh, I font care if it's friends right now, ugh and the
baby at the end ( I can never get her name right, Edward and Bella's daughter)
vampires can't have kids. If they could Roselie and Alice and Esme should have
one. Human or not at the time, vampires(my kind) can't have kids unless they
sire them.

Okay, my examples. Can I have yours now, please?

harry potter, gundam wing, het, twilight, yaoi, slash, anime, females

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