I figured I post this here and see what u all think. I'm thinking getting an eReader. Now I've seen Amazon's Kindle, Sony's eReader, and that's about it. Until yesterday when I saw papers on the Kobo eReader and the Libre eBook Reader Pro. I was wondering who, if anyone has one and why u like the one you have. I don't have the money now so it's just a thought but I still would like opinions.
Also Twitter, I finally, finally found out exactly what it was (thanks
missmarie9 !) and was wondering if it is worth it. I have a facebook, along with this LJ. I really only update facebook now when I update my livejournal or with pictures of my dogs and don't know if I should or not. I probably will only get it to check on people (stars, singers, etc) and not really give updates. Well, if I do get it, at first I would then go off and not update for a while, it was the same when I got my facebook.
So, if anyone could help me out with these questions and tell me their opinions I truly appreciate it.