Harry Potter

Feb 20, 2010 22:27

You know I don't really like Mary Sue characters but I love villains that are OC and really well written OCs.  Like in the past or a child that doesn't say or do a lot yet.  More villains the better I say because sorry but the Dursleys and Voldemort are getting old at being the villains.  Dumbledore, I don't like at all anymore so he can stay one but I'm starting to like the Dursleys, especially when they are well written and portrayed nice.  Voldemort I think would have had Harry on his side if he had a good reason and could talk to Harry without the two of them trying to kill each other.

I think Harry was just pushed into the world, if Dumbledore had let him see both black and white the whole war might have changed.  But then Dumbledore would have lost his weapon and Tom would have gained one....

So another question, do you all think Voldemort should be still portrayed as a villain or just Dumbledore?  What about the Weasleys?  It can go either way for me but I really like the twins, Bill, Charlie, and Percy who isn't used enough I say.

This was an answer to a question from one of my yahoo groups.  Thought I put it here and see what ya all think. 
Yeah, I still like Harry Potter, J. K. Rowling wrote better than Stephanie Meyers did with Twilight.  I don't hate but don't like Bella.  She's to Mary Sue to me and to dependant on Edward.  Edward is sick in the way he's so dependant on Bella.  Oh and Jacob?  I like/hate.  I like the fact that he sticks up for himself.  I hate that he was put with Reneesme(how the hell do you spell her name?).  He was so into Bella and then goes and imprints on her daughter?!? Yuck! I don't care if he's just going to be a brother or not, that is just sick. 
Give me Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper any day of the week.  Even Carlisle and Esme is better than Jacob, Edward, and Bella.

Okay I do read Twilight xovers, especially Harry Potter ones.  But I still don't like Bella.  That's just me though.

So I'm done with my rant on Twilight.  Oh!  I have the first 4 books on Percy Jackson and the Olympians.  Well, they're my sister's and my dad is now reading them.  When I have time I'll read them, my older sister read Twilight but it took her longer than Percy.  She read them each in about two days compared to about a week or so for Twilght.  Said they are really good and my dad likes them!  He's still on the first but said it's easier than HP or Twilight.  Yes, he read them or tried to so what?  If he and my sister(who's 29) says their good they got to be.  They said Twilight was bad and I still haven't read the last two books or reread the first two.  So yeah, they're usually correct on things like these.

Twilight by the way means the whole series, not just the first book.

books, likes/dislikes, harry potter, reading, characters, percy jackson and the olympians, twilight series, yahoo groups, answers, questions

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