Posted in factswerethese

Jan 18, 2010 22:06

This was fortheocrox331 birthday and contest.

I wanted to post it here also.  I'll probably post a few more comments/things I wrote for stories and etc.  Just to warn you if you don't want to read this, you don't have to.

Arthur and Merlin

The Arthurian legends are one of the best-known legends/myths in the world. King Arthur and Merlin are spoken of everywhere and almost every time. Yes, the others are also (except for Gaius, he's only in the show) but Arthur and Merlin are the most well known followed by Lancelot and Gwen.

Before the slash, before the betrayal, before anything really has anyone heard of Arthur and Merlin being spoken of apart? I have a few times. When we speak of King Arthur or of the prince though Merlin is spoken of in the same sentences. Especially when speaking of the show.

Arthur and Merlin just don’t have a destiny together, or a half of one another they are one in body and in spirit. Arthur can be spoken of without Merlin but it’s weird. It doesn’t sound right to have one without the other.

I’m not just speaking from a view of a slasher but in general also. The two boys/men no matter how you see them are soul mates.

Soul mates aren’t just for a lover. A friend can be a soul mate; you can meet someone for the first time and just connect. That person can feel like a brother, a sister, a father, a mother, a relative, or a friend who knows everything about you. They know how you act, how you feel, how you walk or talk, and you both just met!

This is completely off topic but if you want a visual or to read what I mean head over to the Magnificent Seven. Watch the two seasons, read the fanfics, see the art, and just see how Chris and Vin react with each other. After just meeting on top of that. Heck look at the Sentinel, NCIS, the three CSI’s, and almost every show has soul mates in one form or another. Then come back to ‘Merlin’ and look at Arthur and Merlin. Tell me they don’t act the same way; I dare you.

Yes, they didn’t like each other at first but they clicked. Merlin saved Arthur’s life and Arthur’s, Merlin’s in the first few episodes and they were hardly best friends like they are now. They still fight, still argue, but Arthur and Merlin will always be there for one another no matter what. They will die and have almost died for each other and will again in the future.

If they were alive in this day and age they will still be together. Once cannot function, live without the other. Oh, they could but it wouldn’t be to their fullest. Only together do they actually live. Together Arthur and Merlin can face the world; they are the strongest when with each other. Apart they falter and apart they die.

No other person can take the other’s place. The people can break Arthur and Merlin apart but both will die. Do people want Arthur to die if Merlin does, or the other way around? Not literally die but they won’t be all there.

Think of it this way. If you lost a part of your arm you could still function, correct? It wouldn’t be to your fullest, the best of your abilities. It’s the same thing with Arthur and Merlin. They can function but not at what they were or could be. They will never again be the same, ever.

Best friends, brothers, family, and lovers. Arthur and Merlin, Merlin and Arthur. It doesn’t matter how you look at them, the two boys/men are each other’s life, each other’s soul. Arthur is Merlin’s and Merlin’s is Arthur’s, that the truth. The only thing we, humans, need to know.

comments, arthur/merlin, merlin, opinions, boys, slash

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