Peace, Is It Worth It?

Jun 01, 2013 17:52

'It's peaceful.' were the words that came to mind. They were followed by 'But for how long?' It was a peaceful day for now. Once it got moving again how long would the peace last? How long until the peacefulness felt now was gone? Maybe forever but hopefully not. How long can peace last without something messing it up. How long can humanity want peace, get peace, only to have war again?

Can peace really last forever? Does it really work? We ask, we hope, we pray for peace but have we really asked if it can work? Have we really thought about peace and how it works? Have we thought at all except that we want peace? Have we realized what we have to do? To give up? To compromise over and over to finally, finally get peace. Only it lasts for what? A year, a month, a day? Can it last forever? Can it really bring humanity to it's best? Or will it bring us to our worst?

Peace...we all want peace but do we really think about the consequences? Everything to do with peace? Do we even let it pass our minds?

We say, or we should say, freedom isn't free. Neither is peace. We give up to much for peace, for freedom we give all sometimes. Do we want to do the same with peace? Are we ready to do the same? Are you, as a person, ready?

We all have emotions. We all have thoughts, feelings, we all think differently. People can and do try to make us the same but it doesn't work. It will never work. Someone, people, will stand up, will cry out, will demand change, will not be quiet. Try to shut them up and someone will just take their place. Try to kill them all and find out how well people fight.

History has proven it over and over. People can't, won't stay quiet, be the same, do what they are told. We fought, we fight, we will always fight. We have different beliefs, we have different rules, different lives. Not all of us will stand down, will confirm to one thought, one feeling. Not all of us will hide.

So really, will peace last? Will it work? Does it work? And if it does for how long? Can we really have peace with no war? Because we can't have war without peace. Humanity can't keep fighting with no reprieve.

Even if we get that reprieve, how long will it last? How long until war starts again? Until someone stands and says 'Enough!' to something. Until people start fighting, start defending themselves and others again? How long can peace really last?

We all want peace. We know what it means. But have we actually sat down and thought about it? What peace truly means? What it brings? Not what it says it brings but what it truly brings?

Has humanity actually taken the time to see if it works? Forever? Or have we noticed it works and not for how long? What it takes from us all. What it gives us, if anything, besides no war, no fighting, no hiding. Have we ever looked past the prospect of peace? Or have we been to blinded by the word 'Peace' we don't look past it?

As I sit outside, I wonder and I ask myself again, 'How long can it last?' 'Can it really last forever?' and ' Is peace worth it? In the end is peace truly worth it?'

I don't know the answers. I wish I did but I don't. Does anyone?

I know we all hope. I know we all pray. We all have faith. I just hope, I just pray that our faith isn't in vain. That in the end, peace is worth it. That all the hardships, trials, war, death, and more we went through is worth it. That we aren't asking, hoping, praying for something that can never last. Something that won't be worth it, isn't heard.

I know that in the end I'm just praying and hoping with my whole being. Peace is worth it I pray, I hope, peace is truly, truly worth humanity itself.

world, opinion, thoughts, personal, humanity, peace

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