Racism and My Opinion On Men:

Oct 22, 2012 21:03

Racism and this anger at men:

Racism and this anger at men:

People actually think racism is something it isn't. It's like their can't be white racism when there is. There can't be any kind of racism unless its against blacks. Yes, there can be. There is racism everywhere, in every race in the world.

Racism is defined as 'Bias against people because of their race; discrimination against people based upon their race. (Page 453) See Racial Discrimination.' Racial Discrimination is defined as 'Discrimination against a person based upon his race. See Civil Rights Act; Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).' (Page 453) Civil Rights Act is defined as 'A term that may refer to any or all of the various statutes enacted by Congress relating to civil rights.' (Pages 78 - 79) There is so much more under the Civil Rights Act. Also the EEOC is defined as 'A federal agency whose purpose is to prevent and remedy discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, age or sex with respect to most aspects of employment including hiring, firing, promotion, and wages. The commission, which is known as the EEOC, enforces many federal Civil Rights Act and antidiscrimination statutes. See discrimination.' (Page 167) Discrimination is defined as 'The effect of state action, including statutes, official behavior, and officially sanctioned behavior, which distinguishes between classes of people in an arbitrary way in violation of the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.' (Pages 145 -146) (*)

According to Wikipedia, Racism is defined as actions, practices, or beliefs that reflect racial worldview: that all humans are divided into races. (**) But since Wikipedia is not reliable, here is another source: A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among human races. It usually involves the fact that one race is superior to another. (***)

NO WHERE DOES IT SAY IT IS ONLY CONFIDENED TO BLACKS, HISPANICS, NATIVE AMERICANS, ETC. It can and does mean to all races, all humans. Why do people say there is no white racism? There is. Racism is everywhere. We might say whites are more superior to other races but why do I think that it is only in America really? Because are women a race? Are men?

Also I used to agree that men don't know shut about women and their bodies but all I ever see anymore is men getting put down and women laughing when they express their views. If women can say what is correct on their bodies and then do the same for men, men can have their opinions. I mean I do understand that men don't really understand women but women also need to remember that throughout history men were in charge of women. Yes, it worked and didn't work but still men have just as much say in some cases as the women. Especially in abortion. Men also help bring the babies into life, the woman’s uterus. In some ways the men do have no say, rape for a big one but in other ways they do.

The women aren't the only ones that killing a child, a baby is going to affect. It affects men also. In different ways but it affects them. I get that no one wants someone ordering them what to do with their bodies. I get that. What I don't get is why it is only the men who get in trouble when they bring up the fact about not killing, hurting, or etc on a woman's body. They might be the loudest but they aren't the only ones speaking up about it. Women also don't want other women saying how to do something, anything with their bodies but still do.

So what's the difference from men telling you and speaking up with their opinions? Women do the same thing but no one gets angry at them. Why? Being a women isn't an excuse, that shouldn't even matter in the long run. So why can women get away with it and not men?


* Ballentine's Law Dictionary: Legal Assistant Edition, Handler, Jack G. J.D

opinion, thoughts, mine, personal, men, women, people

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