Three writings I wrote.

Sep 07, 2012 21:28


A lot of us don’t want to work.  We still do it though.  Why? Is it for the money?  The experience?  The friendships we can and do make?

Personally I don’t know.  I don’t know why we hate working but we still do so.  I guess it’s the way we grew up. We knew we might have to work, to actually live.  We might not like it but to live, we need to work.

Work can be easy or it can be hard.  We can love what we do or we can hate it.  But we still do it.

Work is work.  We love it, we hate it.  We still do it.  It’s a part of us all.



Music calms them.  Any kind of music.  Just let the radio play, put in a CD, or turn on the computer.  Just let the instruments start up, a singer start, and they calm.

Once in a while it will make them angrier.  Music won’t help at all.  Most time though, it does.

It just seems to have something that calms people.  Whether it’s the instruments, the lyrics, the singing, music helps.

Next time you get angry, need to calm down, just blast some music. Classical, Rock, Gospel, Country, Rap, whatever you like blast it.  See how much it can help.

Music calms people, it doesn’t need to make sense why.  It just does.



She wonders when she’ll stop being scared.  Stop being sensitive.  She wonders when she’ll be able to move on.  To get on with life without being afraid.

Half the time she never realized why she is afraid, just that she is.  She can go through a day being totally fine.  The next day though she can be afraid.

Afraid of living.  Of loving. Of moving on.  She’s afraid of forgetting.

But it’s hard to forget. The flutter in her stomach, the roundness, the sickness.  All of it reminds her, makes it harder to forget.

As she grows bigger she realizes what her fear is.  It’s of losing the child. Of the child looking like her and not them.  It’s not being able to provide the best for the child.

She isn’t afraid of living on her own. She’s afraid of how she’ll be able to care for the child.  To tell the child about them and do it so it won’t look bad on them and the child won’t hate them.

She’s afraid for her child more than she’s afraid for herself.


mine, personal, me, writing

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