I wish people would remember that men cheat just as much as women.

Aug 15, 2012 17:20

I love how if women cheat it's all over the news, it's a big deal.
But when they are hit, they are degraded, it's okay?
Men still get work, yes, it's on the news (only if you're a black male)
but it goes away with in two weeks.  But women? Women are out there,
women loose everything.  Men win, women loose.

Why can't we all win? We all loose?

We all make mistakes but instead of going after BOTH/ALL parties,
people just hit one party. A party that actually apologized. Have we
heard anything from the other party? Have we?

Kristen looses her friends, her boyfriend over a mistake, a job
over a mistake but the other guilty person looses nothing? How is that
fair? How are you saying you are for us women also men?

I believe in equal rights for all but if you keep hitting on one person
and not the other, that is just wrong.  If a person cheats, it's not just
one person's fault, it's both theirs and the one they cheated with.

If a person kills, hurts, wounds, etc, it's their fault so why, how
can you blame just one person and not the other for cheating? How?

What are we missing? What are you missing men? What?

Cheating is cheating, it will always be cheating.

Men and women cheat, it's not just the women who cheat. It is also the men.

People cheat, that's the bottom line, people cheat.

opinion, men, women, people

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