Working Girls:

Aug 07, 2012 18:55

So I really don't like Mary.  I'm sorry but the way she is acting about Nora being in town...You are supposed to care for everyone not be angry.
Also Chris' responsibility? I'm sorry but working girl or not, do not be angry about the girls trying to get free from Wilkes.  If you had to do what
they have done to get through life, to live where you want would you still think the same way? That working girls need to leave, can't be in town.  I don't think so.
I think you change your tune really fast.  I know I can't see myself doing what these girls/women have done but I think I be a bit more kind to them.  Some need to do what they can to live, to get day by day.  Others...maybe I wouldn't, maybe I would.  I at least hope I give them some kindness and not try to run them out of
the one place that is safe for them. That they feel safe. Oh and Mary...if your going to complain about the working girls, watch where you are going in and out.  Cuz a saloon isn't a place for a women either (at least what I'm taking from you in this episode).
I forgot how much I adore the girls hiding.  Mary might not like them there but she doesn't give them away, which is a point to her but barely a point.

If I did what these women did back then and now, I'd pray that there were kind people around and that not all think that doing what you can to get through life, to live is totally wrong.

Mary thinks she knows best for the town.  You might have been there from the beginning but denying help from people just because of what they do for a living?
Not so adorable now, not so nice now Mary.

Also I swear you barely notice any of the others.  Chris might be the one every single of the men look up to, including Josiah, for guidance but he isn't the only one.  I know you help Vin, you do help the others but Chris is the only one that really matters. I know they wanted her as a 'love interest' for him but did they really need her? Maybe just for the episode on Billy but not to push in on every episode with your thoughts.  Mary might think she speaks for the town but she doesn't.

The way she treats some ways it's like she doesn't care (to me) except that he's a judge, Billy's grandfather.

I mean I didn't like Mary really from the first time I watched these DVDs and as I rewatch, I really dislike her.

I also think Rain is annoying but then again she's been in the episodes maybe once, twice? Except for the fact that I have nothing to base her on, really, I don't like her. I think the show would have been better without 'love interests'. Just doing it the way they are.

Maude makes more sense to the series then Rain and Mary and she's there to mainly annoy Ezra and get Josiah all rallied up.  Also am I the only one who wishes
that they had added Hannah, even in the past? Like not through mention but actually show her somehow? Like they did with Sarah and Adam.  who I swear is related to Buck, it's why Chris puts up with him so much.  Though it doesn't make sense because of his father-in-law...unless they don't know Buck and him are related? I like to say that is my cannon.

Oh, I also wanted to see JD's mom and Nathan's and Vin's....even if it was a flashback I still would have liked to see them.

What do you all think? Why do you like Rain, like Mary, like Maude? Like any of the female characters? Why do you dislike them?

opinion, magnificent seven, television

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