My Challenge I did for BSB

Aug 01, 2012 11:43

BSB31 Challenge
(Doing most of this challenge on iPod so easier to give links for me.)

Day 1: Favorite song - I love them all but right now "Shape Of My Heart", "Never Gone", "Crawling Back To You", "It's True", "Yes I Will", & "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely".

Day 2: Favorite Album - It’s a toss up between BLACK & BLUE and MILLENNIUM. I love them both because the songs are beautiful, are still revelate, and I just love listening to both albums. I do love the other albums but these two are really my favorites (Though NEVER GONE & UNBREAKABLE come in second.).

Day 3: Anything Nick Carter - His love for what he does. I love how even when nothing seems to go right with him, Nick still shoulders on. He doesn't give up. He keeps on moving. Also, his music is great. It's different but it shows what he can do.

Day 4: Personal BSB Memory - I remember seeing them in the paper because they came to Hershey years ago and even though I didn't go, I still remembered being excited. I still have those papers somewhere.

Day 5: Favorite Music Video - Hard one. I love them all a whole lot. Between 'Shape Of My Heart' and 'Incomplete' is probably two of my favorites. 'Drowning' also is up there. Videos: Drowning -, Shape Of My Heart -, Incomplete - Also just trying to decide I had to add 'Inconsolable'- The videos are all done beautifully, it's hard to pick my favorite.

Day 6: Favorite BSB Haircut - Dang. Some were funny, some were cool, some were stupid. As to favorites? The long hair which I think Kevin & Howie both sported. Here some pics of my favorite haircuts:,,, & There are tons more but here is a start. :)

Day 7: Favorite BSB Photoshoot - It's here:

Day 8: Favorite Piece Of BSB Merch - I want to say a shirt or something else but would the albums work? Because besides the pics in old magazines, they are my favorite.

Day 9: Dream Setlist - How am I supposed to choose? Dang it! Can I do all the songs, in any order, with the guys singing at least a couple of solos? Most of them have their own albums out correct? Maybe a song from each of their own albums (if they have them) or if not, a cover they can sing on their own?
Yeah, all the songs, any order, a couple of solos from each male and I'd be set. It be a couple of days for the concert to end but it be worth it. Especially if the guys called up their families/partners and sang to them. <<33

Day 10: Anything Kevin Richardson - I love the fact that he wanted to do his own thing but still kept in contact with the rest and not just Brian. I adore that he is coming back, I can't wait to hear the new material. I adore that he still wants to be part of the band, that he never gave it up fully. That he is and always will be a part of BSB.

Day 11: Favorite BSB Interview -
There are tons of interviews. I was looking for one and found this one first. I love it because it just is so good and I love how the interviewer seems to really care. I miss Kevin in this interview though. I just so adore their interviews.

Also, I don’t like Justin Bieber but I do like how they talk about him and asking for people to let him grow.

Day 12: Favorite BSB Album Cover - That is between "Backstreet Boys" & "This Is Us". These both show how far they came and how much they grown. I wish "This Is Us" had Kevin on it but I still adore it. I love looking back at the old albums and realizing how much the boys have grown, gone through, & still are here. The album covers show their dedication to us, the fans, their families, & the music. They show that BSB is still here & still rocking & will be for hopefully a long time to come. I don't own just borrowing these photos: &

Day 13: Favorite BSB Performance - So hard but I picked them on Oprah in 2010. I love all their performances (which I will show when I add some more) but I do love this one. It's an old song but they still perform it so well, like it's a brand new song. (

Day 14: Favorite BSB Quote - I have one for each guy except AJ who had two since I love them both. They are in the brackets.

{When you love someone, put their name in a circle, not in a heart, because hearts can be broken, but circles go on forever." Brian Littrall

"My honest opinion, ya know, I think on behalf of all the other fellas, and my honest opinion, I think that the Backstreet Boys has the best fans in the world." Nick Carter

"Determination has to be the most important thing in life. Without it, where would anyone be?"-Kevin Richardson

"I don't stress out over things because I know in the end, everything will workout for the best. It always does." Howie Dorough

"Sex isn't the answer. Sex is the question, yes is the answer." AJ McLean

"Music is love, love is music, music is my life and I love my life. Thank you and goodnight." AJ McLean}

Day 15: Favorite Magazine Cover - First one that comes to mind is The Rolling Stone cover with no pants but that one, while hot, isn't it. It's the TV Guide covers from 2001. They are my favorite for no real reason, I just love them.

Day 16: Favorite Backstreet Boy - It's here.

Day 17: First BSB Memory - I think I was 10-14 when I got into BSB. I actually can’t remember because they have been such a part of my life. All I do know is that I heard one of the songs, I don’t know which one, and fell in love. I couldn’t stop. I might have slowed down over the years but I haven’t stopped loving the boys.

Day 18: Something BSB That Makes You Laugh - The guys making fun of each other, themselves, the laughter they have is so contagious. They can dress in outrageous outfits and still put on a show. They can laugh at what they do making us laugh with them. Just the way the guys have fun. It almost always makes me laugh in some way.

Day 19: Favorite Music Video Outfits - Here.

Day 20: Anything Brian Littrell - His love for his family, for his fans, for the others in the band. Especially his love for his son. I adore how he adores Baylee. I think he is a great father.

Day 21: Favorite NKOTBSB Performance - It's here.

Day 22: Anything Howie Dorough -His love for his fans, his family, his music. Just the fact he is doing what he loves. I think all the boys are awesome. I will admit that I didn’t like Howie that much at first. I changed my mind as I grew older. He is so lovable/likable that it’s hard for me to look back and realize that I didn’t like him that much at first.

Day 23: Favorite Candid Photo - It's here.

Day 24: BSB Song With Most Plays In iTunes - Here.

Day 25: Favorite BSB Gif - It's here.

Day 26: Favorite BSB Tour - I haven't been to any concerts on any tours but I think it be The Black & Blue tour followed by NKOTBSB tour. Black & Blue because I remember that tour coming to Hershey, Pa so clearly even if it wasn't that popular and I didn't go. I was still excited. NKOTBSB because it shows that they still rock and still have it.

Day 27: Favorite Lyrics - Here.

Day 28: Anything AJ McLean - The fact that he knew he needed help and went and got it. That he didn't say 'I'm just going to let this take over my life.' He went and said 'Hell No! I'm getting clean, getting better than ever and moving on.'

Which he did. AJ is an inspiration to everyone. He shows that you can get up and move on, that if you are down just stand back up. Don't let anyone, including yourself, put you down.

Day 29: Favorite Awards Show Performance - Here.

Day 30: Favorite Group Photo - Here.

Day 31: What Would You Say To The Boys If You Met Them - If I ever met the boys I thank them. I thank them for doing what they love, for sharing with us that love. I thank AJ for never giving up on himself, I thank Howie for being true to everything he believes in, for not giving up. I thank Nick for trying and succeeding in his own way, not letting the world pressure him, I thank Brian for his courage, for showing us that while courage can take a lot out of a person, it's worth it in the end. I lastly thank Kevin for showing that even gone, he was still a part of the band, that while it was hard, he never gave up.

None of them ever gave up. I thank them for that and for the music they shared and will share with us. I also hope I don't freeze up when I do try to thank the boys.

backstreet boys, challenge

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